Alex Mills

Top 5 Tips for Healthy Motors

by Alex Mills

It might be an obvious statement, but healthy motors are pivotal to the successful operation of any production plant. Not only will a healthy set of motors ensure a smooth production line, but regular maintenance will significantly reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), improve reliability and increase productivity. Sound like music to your ears?

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When Dublin had too many tram stops... New AC Motors and Pumps for the fleet

by Alex Mills

When a tram stops at a tram stop, that’s good. When it stops anywhere else, because it’s broken down, that’s not so good. It not only blocks and disrupts the whole tram network, but in the case of Dublin’s Luas Light Rail system, it also puts the operator at risk of a fine. Transdev – operator of Dublin’s network – asked ERIKS Dublin to get on board and help. 

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Talking the Torque 30 years later

by Alex Mills

Can you remember the reasoning behind decisions you made 30 years ago? A leading supplier of building cement couldn’t. Which is why they needed to talk to someone about torque. 

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Upgrade to High efficiency motors and unlock those energy savings today

by Alex Mills

As demand continues to grow across industry for companies to adopt a more energy efficient approach to manufacturing, the UK Government is pushing businesses to find new ways to reduce energy consumption, carbon footprint, and emissions.

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A true Gearbox story (to be taken with a pinch of salt)

by Alex Mills

Salt in the air. Salt crunching underfoot. Salt coating every surface. It’s probably what you would expect at a major salt processing plant. And if you’re there to investigate a repeated drive failure, it would be easy to assume the aggressive environment was the obvious cause of the problem. But it doesn’t pay to jump to conclusions, especially with a suspended gearbox and motor at great height...

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A major step towards higher energy efficiency

by Alex Mills

Electric motors are one of the most widely used applications in factories worldwide. In fact, according to According to ‘Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Electric Driven Systems,’ a 2011 report produced by IEA, they account for 46% of all electrical consumption.

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How not to lubricate chain

by Alex Mills

Lubricating roller chain can be time-consuming, costly and – for food and beverage applications in particular – can cause a host of unwanted problems. So why do it? Instead, choose a chain which lets you lose the lubrication.

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As engineering technology evolves, efficiency follows its footsteps

by Alex Mills

Engineering technology is continually evolving. As it does, new, simpler, more efficient and more cost-effective solutions begin to appear – even for problems which have been around for decades. But sometimes it takes an experienced eye to spot them.

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When the chips are down, know-how matters

by Alex Mills

How frequently does an asset have to fail before it’s not just a nuisance, but a serious issue? For one potato processor, even motors which needed a repair every three months weren’t identified as a concern. But like potatoes, ERIKS engineers have eyes everywhere and soon spotted the problem.

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Decision making based on numbers

by Alex Mills

One of your critical electric motors has failed. Production’s ground to a halt. The pressure is on you to get operations back up-and-running as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. A quick price comparison of various new motors, a quote for a repair, and the numbers seem to make it clear which is the cheapest way to go. But is it the right way in the long-run?   

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