Posted at 04 February 2019

How to Improve Your Relationship with Data

Paul Skade
By David Manning-Ohren
Condition Monitoring Manager

A time-served engineer with ERIKS, I have over 25 years in the condition monitoring field, a fact recognised by both British Standards and British Institute of No...

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When it first became possible to gather industrial data digitally, people collected it for specific purposes – for example, to help with production monitoring or asset maintenance. But as more data became available, and collecting and storing it became quicker and easier, they began collecting all the data that’s going, “just to be on the safe side."

data relationship


But like trying to get a glass of water from Niagara Falls, it can leave you drowning in too much of the wrong data, when what you really want is to be able to access only what’s necessary for your requirements.

The future of data

Basically there are two types of data – fixed and moving.

Fixed data, as the name suggest, is data that doesn’t change. Your fixed data might be a list of part numbers for an asset. ERIKS’ fixed data might be the same part numbers, but also cross-matched with your location, so we know where to deliver them when you order. That’s a simple relationship which can make even fixed data harder working and more valuable.

Moving data is more complex. It’s data which changes over time, such as energy outputs. If you can establish a relationship between those two, then you’ve added intelligence and the data instantly becomes immensely valuable.

So who do you trust to provide that data and build the relationships between it?

ERIKS can understand, maintain, repair and replace all components. Because we know the failure modes, we know where monitoring will be most effective to provide the most valuable data. Because we understand the system as a whole, we have the cross-discipline expertise to gather and interpret all the data. And finally, because we’re all engineers.


Read the Complete Article: Know+How Magazine Issue 36 Industrial Digitalisation

There is no denying the prospect of industrial digitalisation is both exciting and daunting in equal measure and no doubt each of you will be at different stages on the road to digital transformation. 

In our latest edition we want to help demystify this familiar buzzword into tangible day-to-day processes. We'll be providing you with an update on the latest news and technology available, taking an in-depth look at Industry 4.0 and all that comes with it, outlining some ways in which the industry can work together.

See pages 18-19!

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